Embracing Humanity

in the Workplace

Employees don’t quit jobs, they quit managers

77% of workers leave their jobs because of their bosses!

The 10 Reasons People Really Quit Their Jobs by RecruitLoop 10/28/2015

Bad managers cost the US economy $550 billion each year, due to their negative impact on employee engagement

Washington Post 11/9/17

79% of Americans would take a pay cut to work for a more “just” company

D & E Management Solutions

It doesn’t have to be this way!
It shouldn’t be this way!
There’s a better way!

Unique Perspective


We bring a unique perspective to the workplace

Creating a Respectful, Dignified, and Successful Work Environment is our priority.

Treating your people with Respect, Empathy, Trust, and Transparency – RETT, will lead to unimaginable success.

Everyone can succeed and more importantly be fulfilled and valued.  There has always been a need for this vision but now, more than ever, people are in search of a better way forward.  We offer that better way.  Our goal is to start a long-lasting impactful movement in the workplace.

What D & E brings to the table:

Over thirty-five years of management experience

Solid solutions for turning culture around

Workshops on the importance of respect, trust, and dignity in the workplace.

Successful track record managing staff with respect, empathy, trust, and transparency

what we offer

Our Services

D & E Management Solutions’ interview with the President of the SoCal Black Chamber of Commerce –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8b0VgslKUeM

Creative Workplace

Who will benefit the most from our services?

Mission driven organizations, startups, non-profits, and companies who are willing to invest in their people, processes, and in their success.

Our workshops are tailor made for directors, managers, and front-line supervisors who control the everyday office environment, drive much of the culture, and manage the bulk of your staff.  They can also take you to the next level or hold everyone back.

We consult, mentor, and train managers on building trust and transparency with their direct reports, and colleagues, to build a cohesive, prosperous work environment.


What our Clients say
About us

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Jonathan Doe
Happy Client


We Made For You
With Love

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Project Analysis

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Deliver Result

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You have to know before
start everything

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Our Team

Meet Our Experts

Jonathan Doe
CEO & Founder
Elena Doe
Peter Doe
Skilled Developer
Marry Scott